6 Nov 2009, 5:00pm
Gas taxes Roads Toll roads

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Beating a dead horse (toll road genesis Part Deux)

nagIn my last post, I discussed how toll roads came to be the funding option of choice in recent years for big road projects.  The question I closed with was whether or not they’re the best solution, and if not, how to fund roadbuilding without them.  As I alluded to, it’s really a chicken-and-egg scenario: do toll roads perpetuate the status quo, or does the status quo perpetuate toll roads?

My wife and I have had this conversation several times.  She understands the problem, but is of the mind that tolls should be the option of absolute last resort—they need to fix the gas tax problems first.  In essence, she thinks that the current toll paradigm is getting the cart before the horse.

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4 Nov 2009, 5:23pm
Gas taxes Roads Toll roads


The genesis of the toll road problem

One issue that many toll road opponents can’t seem to wrap their heads around is the underlying reason why toll roads are being pushed.  It’s not some get-rich scheme by Rick Perry or TxDOT.  The problem is the dearth of funding that has plagued transportation for more than a decade now.  And it’s not just Texas—many other states, as well as the federal government, are having the same problem.

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