Commuting Construction and closures History Roads Transit Uncategorized
by Hugh
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The only thing to look forward to is the past

Omnibus soaking its wheels in the SA river
With all the zippidy-doo-dah hoopla over the possibility of a return to streetcars, why not go the wholeĀ hog and bring back mule drawn omnibuses?Ā I mean, who else is doing that?Ā Let’s think outside the box and get out of Portland, Oregon’s shadow once and forĀ all.Ā ThinkĀ of the benefits.Ā No expensive overhead or the need to tear up streets for miles on end and tourists will love it.
Mule drawn streetcars were introduced in San Antonio in 1878Ā but omnibus service has that beat by seven years.Ā It cost 5 cents to go from Main Square to Alamo Plaza.Ā With all the money we’ll save by not installing staggeringly expensive streetcar systems and their unsightly overhead power lines, we could go back and charge the same fare in 2010 that it was in 1871.Ā I guess there is a flaw in my logic somewhere but, you know, I’ll be d****d if I know what it is.